99 “prom”blems but a date ain’t one

Gaby Mendez

At the FL State Thespian Festival, someone decides to go for the public “prom”posal option, and surprises her date when least expect. Who could say no when you ask infront of 8,000 kids?

That time of the year has arrived, when seniors’ first priority isn’t their environmental homework, but solving their “prom”blems. Seniors have 99 “prom”blems but asking their date in a creative way isn’t one. The hardest “prom”blem must be solved first, getting a date. Once people start getting dates, people will want to top each other’s promposals. Some people go out of their way to make their promposal extravagant, while others prefer to keep it simple and write a note saying ‘prom?’ Whatever way you decide to “prom”pose, strive to make it special, because it will become an everlasting memory.

How do seniors feel about having to “prom”pose? Junior Jourdan Collins believes “It wasn’t really that hard because I asked my boyfriend, so it’s kind of implied that he was going to say yes.” She went for the surprise factor and asked when he least expected it. She purchased a cookie cake that said ‘prom?’ in frosting, and dropped it of at a restaurant before they went to dinner. After they had their meal, the waitress brought the cake out and surprised her boyfriend.

There are different ways you can make a “prom”posal memorable. Options vary from including food, inside jokes, or doing it in public. Some people turn to the romantic side and spell out ‘prom?’ in roses, or create a poem.


If you choose to “prom”pose using food, there are several cheesy jokes that you can include that will make it impossible for your date to say no. Some options start from purchasing a pizza box and writing “I know this is cheesy, but will you go to prom with me?” Another is purchasing chicken wings and writing “ I don’t really know how to ask you, but I might just wing it, prom?” Each of these ideas are amazing because your date scores a date to prom and food.



A very popular “prom”posal idea lately has been creating a sign. You can take this simple idea and make it creative, like senior Natalie Martinez did. She created a sign and included an inside joke which she knew would make her prospective date laugh.

The sign said, “Since Taylor Swift won’t ask you to prom, will you come with me instead?” She placed the sign inside his car, so that he could see it first thing in the morning on his way to school.

Several Academy girls have been asked using the poster “prom”posal idea. Both juniors Cara Dawson and Nicole Sanchez were asked with signs. In fact, their dates used the poster idea in their own unique way. Nicole’s date arranged his “prom”posal using four girls and four cardboards. He made each girl hold a letter that spelled out prom and surprised Nicole at the beach. Senior Carmen Mendez was asked by receiving sticky notes that spelled “PROM?” on her car window.


Another special way to ask your date to prom is by using animals. Sophomore Olivia Kirkpatrick was asked by finding her puppy with a note around his neck that spelled out ‘prom?’ How could she say no to her own puppy? If your date has a fish, you can create a note that says “out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to prom with me?” Both ideas can make your “prom”posal adorable.


If your date plays any sports like swimming or baseball, there are a couple “prom”posal ideas related to the sport. If he plays baseball, you can draw on a ball using a sharpie and say “I might strike out asking, but will you go to prom with me?” If he is a runner, you can purchase a pair of tennis shoes and write on the box, “im glad you walked into my life, prom?” You may also purchase athetic clothing and use nike’s symbol and write “I might as well just do it, prom?”


Out of all the ways to ask your date, remember it is a memory that will last forever, so be sure to make it special. If you wish not to go with a date, do not worry, you can have just as much fun by spending the night with your best friends and celebrating your amazing high school career.