Thoughts All Academy Girls Have During Midterms
1. It all begins Sunday when you can’t begin to fathom the fact that midterms start tomorrow.
2. The panic kicks in and you realize you should have started studying earlier.
3. It’s almost midnight and you have come to the conclusion you’re staying up all night to study.
4. The amount of information you’re trying to obtain is too much, and the “I give up” phase arrives.
5. You remember how colleges see your semester grades and immediately think that you aren’t getting into college.
6. The stress kicks in even more and the tears are being released.
7. People ask if you’re okay, but you are obviously not.
8. The first bell rings and it’s time for round one of tests for the day.
9. You go home to relax after your first exam and repeat the panic, the tears, and the thoughts.
1o. The days go by yet the exams never end.
11. Walking out of class Thursday, emotionally and physically drained, but realize you successfully survived the war that is mid-terms.
Vanessa Alvarez is a third year member of Achona and one of four Editors-in-Chief, as well as Co-President of the Teen Leadership Council. Within the Academy...