Golden Girls Introduce The Spirit Stick
October 24, 2016
Starting this year, Golden Girls is introducing a new competition that not only gets their club members involved in school activities, but the rest of the student body as well. This competition is between all of the high school grades, to determine who has the most school spirit.
Senior, Teresa Toranzo comments, “I think that all the grades at AHN are extremely competitive. So, with the spirit stick I think its going to encourage everyone to attend games so that in the end, their grade will be the winner.”
With such a competitive student body, The spirit stick will “measure” the amount of spirit a specific class has, depending on how many people from that class attends any Academy sport competitions. The rules are listed below:
Spirit Stick Rules
- Every person counts as a point towards their grades total.
- Points are calculated as a percentage of class size because class sizes vary and we want to be fair.
- The game you attend must be a jag nation event at Academy, which will be publicized on the Jag Nation twitter and on posters made by Golden Girls.
- You must arrive at the beginning of the game and stay until at least halftime to be counted.
- You must check in with the teacher representative present at that game which will be announced on the Jag Nation Twitter.
- The spirit stick competition ends during spirit week.
- If you are on the JV team or required to attend a game by a coach, you do not count towards your classes spirit stick points.
- The competition ends during Spirit Week and the winner will be announced and will receive the Spirit Stick.

Students that participate in athletic teams will truly appreciate the support from their classmates at their games.
Member of Golden Girls and Senior at Academy, Ashley Lambert comments, “It stinks when you’re playing in a game and the only people in the crowd are the parents, so hopefully having a competition will make students want to come to the games!”
The main goal of the competition is for everyone to have fun, the athletes, audience, coaches, as well as the other team and their athletes.
Lambert closes, “I think it will be fun because it will make the athletes feel appreciated because there will be more people at their games and hopefully unite the grades because they can cheer on the teams together at the games!”
Students can start attending sporting events are also located on the Academy website and the Jag Nation Twitter page.