School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

AHN Clubs begin charity drives

October 18, 2018

Photo Credit: Danielle Duarte/Achona Online/Piktochart

AHN charity drives benefit the South Tampa community.

For the month of October, various AHN clubs have put on drives to benefit those in the Tampa community.

Student Council is running a sock drive throughout the month of October.

Gabby Butler (‘20) says, “We put on “Socktober” to give the sock donations to the homeless and poor in the South Tampa at the end of the month. To donate and participate in Socktober you can bring in packs of new socks of any size and turn it into the bin for your grade.”

Butler also said, “The senior bin is outside of the lounge, the junior bin is located in the 3rd floor locker rooms, and the freshmen and sophomore bins are on south side of foyer beside the benches.”

Photo Credit: Danielle Duarte/Achona Online
Gabby Butler is part of Student Council, which puts on the annual sock drive.

Kara Pettit (’20) said, “Socktober is an important part of Student Council because the socks are given to the homeless because when it gets cold, socks are one of the things that homeless shelters run out of the fastest. I am glad we can give that to them.”

Lauren Lamoutte (’20) says, “The Respect for Life club is super important to me because although it is a controversial topic, I believe that not matter what, life is precious from conception to natural death meaning no abortion, no euthanasia, and no death penalty.”

Photo Credit: Danielle Duarte/Achona Online
To donate, find the bin that corresponds with your grade level.

Lamoutte also said, “I am the leader of this club and our first project this year is the baby item drive since October is Respect Life month. We are working with a pregnancy center who provides basic prenatal care for all women no matter race or age who once contemplated on having an abortion but decided not to. By having this baby item drive, the donations collected are then given to the women as needed by the pregnancy center. They get basic necessities such as diaper, wipes, and formula.”

The drive will continue unit Wednesday, October 24 which is also the day of the bake sale (funds will be used to purchase more items).

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