A Day in the Life of an AHN Girl, as Told by Disney Characters
Photo Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online
Disney World may be great, but we all know Academy is really the most magical place on Earth.
Although each student at the Academy of the Holy Names is a unique individual, there are quite a few similar emotions and encounters everyone faces on a daily basis. These familiar feelings can be perfectly portrayed by iconic Disney characters.
1. Waking up to your alarm and all you want to do is go back to sleep.

2. Stopping by Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts even though there is a possibility you’re going to be late.

3. Running across the bridge and finally making it to Homeroom just as the bell rings.

4. When it is too early to function, but the person sitting next to you asks you a question about what you’re learning.

5. When your friends suggest going down four flights of stairs to Sage during break.

6. But then you realize your class is in the courtyard so you can get to Sage quickly and avoid the line.

7. When your friends finally agree on weekend plans at lunch.

8. Then your friend brings up THAT boy she met at the last football game.

9. When the bell rings to go to last set and you only have one close friend in that class.

10. Remembering you still have clubs and/or practice and homework to do.

11. Getting home and feeling determined to get all of your homework done.

12. But then you end up going straight to bed.

Samantha Cano is the Multimedia/Social Media Editor for the Achona, a second year journalist, and a Senior at AHN. Samantha is extremely involved in extracurriculars...
Evan • Sep 8, 2016 at 12:37 pm
Honestly…truly..I am obsessed with this article!