School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Eight Feelings You Experience When Getting Your Braces Off

September 26, 2016

Photo Credit: Audrey Anello/AchonaOnline

Every teenager eagerly awaits the day they get their braces off.

Painful wires, brackets becoming traps for food, and constant orthodontist appointments are just a few examples of the life of a teen with braces. After asking your orthodontist when your braces are coming off countless times, you’ve reached the day when the receptionist finally schedules that super long appointment you’ve been waiting for, and the feelings are overwhelming.

Relief: You’re finally getting the annoying braces off and you don’t have to worry about wires poking you or being way too tight.

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Nervous: Will hurt when they take the brackets off?

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Senior Carly Fisher adds, “When I got mine off, it hurt when they pulled, and it felt weird how smooth my teeth were.”

Excitement: It’s finally time! You lay down in that chair and get ready to see that perfect smile.

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Confusion: The inevitable moment when the orthodontist asks you questions has arrived. There’s 17 different tools in your mouth and you have no idea how to respond without sounding like a dolphin.

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Impatience: You’re so excited to see how you look, but the nurses still have to take off half the brackets that are still in. How long does this take again?

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Tiredness: You start thinking about taking a nap and waking up when it’s over. Go for it since you’re already laying down!

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Apprehensive: It’s been forever since you felt your teeth without braces, so you start to wonder. Why are they so slippery? Is this normal? What did I do? Help!

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Ecstatic: You’re finally done! It’s time for the big reveal, and of course you look awesome and so does your beautiful smile! And don’t worry, getting used to life without your braces is a breeze.

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So go ahead and smile until your cheeks hurt, show off those pearly whites!

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