How to Keep a Daily Journal

March 21, 2017

Journals can be used as planners, sketchbooks, recipe books, or anything personal to the student. Photo Credit: Grace Neal/Achona Online

Journals can be used as planners, sketchbooks, recipe books, or anything personal to the student. Photo Credit: Grace Neal/Achona Online

Taking the time out of each day to journal and capture thoughts and ideas is a beneficial break from homework and the stresses of school. Many students can get caught up in work and clubs, forgetting to dedicate time to their personal notebooks and journals. Each journal can be unique to the owner; artists can draw sketches, poets can focus on writing, or chefs and bakers can include recipes. Here are some tips for people interested in starting a journal:


  • Find your niche through poetry, art, creative writing, or even just a place to keep track of life.


  • Choose the type of journal you want or combine different topics such as photos, lists, sketches, dreams, and health.


  • Head out to your local craft store and get colorful pens, markers, ink, paint, and a stylish journal to spice up your writing .


  • No one has to see your journal, so write whatever you want, and don’t worry about making it perfect or presentable.


  • Write about anything and everything. Document your travels, worries, best and worst days, and life changes.
Senior Keri Kelly says “I don’t do a diary style journal, but I may sit down and write a poem or some form of writing a day” Photo Credit: Keri Kelly/Achona Online


  • Use anything you find to decorate each page. Magazine or newspaper clippings, polaroids, maps, stamps.  


  • Keep a schedule to maintain a daily routine of writing and updating in your journal.
Journals can also be used as a planner to keep track of a busy lifestyle Photo Credit: Addison Diaz (used with permission)
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