Breaking the ice on icebreakers

AHN Student Council

While girls have differing opinions on icebreakers, one thing they all agree on is that they are great way to meet people of all different grades.

At Academy, it is very common for the students to participate in various icebreakers at events such as orientations and retreats. The icebreakers are used so the girls have an opportunity to get to know each other better in a fun way. Many times, the groups for icebreakers are made up of people in different grades and different groups of friends, in order for the girls to mingle. This way, everyone gets to know people they normally would not talk to.

There are many different types of icebreakers and each one has something special about it. During orientation every year, the students are split up into different groups and they participate in different games. One example is the toilet paper game, where each girl takes a few pieces of toilet paper, and however many pieces she has, is how many interesting facts they have to say about themselves. This icebreaker is a great way to learn cool new facts about people of all different grades.

Although not exactly an icebreaker, the "wall-sit" is one of Academy girl's favorite bonding activities.
AHN Student Council
Although not exactly an icebreaker, the “wall-sit” is one of Academy girl’s favorite bonding activities.

TLC does an icebreaker where everyone gets into pairs and one has to lead the other person, who is blindfolded, through a set up of obstacles, using only words. Icebreakers similar to that are often used at retreats too. Most icebreakers at retreats require a lot of teamwork and cooperation to beat a challenge.

The icebreakers used at retreats force girls to face difficult challenges and learn the true meaning of teamwork.

The icebreakers used at retreats force girls to face difficult challenges and learn the true meaning of teamwork. (Photo Credit: Lori Kearney)

Many girls at Academy love icebreakers and really appreciate the benefits of them. For example, Olivia Valdes (11), a member of TLC, believes that, “Icebreakers are great because it helps everyone get comfortable with each other and loosen up before jumping into the discussion topic.” Sophomore Lindsey Perez says her favorite thing about participating in icebreakers is “meeting people from different grades.” Danielle Brennan (9) thinks that icebreakers are particularly effective for freshmen who are meeting each other for the first time. She says, “I think that the icebreakers were effective because they required us to communicate and not be shy. I thought that the orientations were fun and required me to speak up and step out of my comfort zone.”

However, not all of the girls enjoy participating in icebreakers. “I feel like icebreakers can be kind of awkward because the questions and games are sometimes a little weird,” junior Olivia Porcaro claims. Sophomore Katherine Hahn disagrees. She believes that “girls say they don’t like ice breakers, but they are a great way to meet new people and come out of your shell.”

Whether girls like icebreakers or not, they will continue to play a big part in Academy life and in making the sisterhood bond even stronger.