Where Should You Volunteer This Summer?
Sophomore Isabel Toranzo believes Summer on Bayshore is so fun because, “I’m able to spend time with the kids making crafts and playing games. It’s my favorite part of the summer.”
Summer is the perfect time for getting those volunteer hours and serving the community. There are many areas in the Tampa Bay/ St. Pete Area that have service opportunities such as Feeding America, Trinity Cafe and The Dalí Museum. You can even spend your summer here at Academy through the Summer on Bayshore camp with Mrs. Chase, helping out with elementary kids.Wherever it may be, giving back to the community through volunteer service is one of the most heart-warming and rewarding ways teens can spend their summer. Take this quiz to see where you should volunteer this summer!

Sophia Bahr is the ACHONA’s Arts and Entertainment editor and an Academy senior. This is her second year on the ACHONA staff. After school Bahr can be...