Best Places to Study

Studying in personal spaces makes it easier to spread out all the work.

Photo Credits: Victoria Baldor/Achona Online

Studying in personal spaces makes it easier to spread out all the work.

Academy girls are constantly packed with busy assignments and assessments, so where is a great place to get the job done?

There are different options to choose from when on the school grounds, such as the library, iLab, or as a senior the privilege of having the lounge. The perfect setting for studying is crucial for Academy girls, especially when the work begins piling up throughout the year. Some people prefer silent environments, but sometimes others do not mind the company of people studying around them.  


Senior, Anna Padron comments,“The lounge is my preference when I need a place to study at school. The table in the back corner is where I like to spread out all my materials, and I have a nice view while I work. The advantage of studying in the lounge is that I am already in a “study mood” and when I get home I can do other productive tasks.”

After school seniors take advantage of their lounge to get work done.
Photo Credits: Devin Folkman/Achona Online
After school seniors take advantage of their lounge to get work done.

Not all seniors prefer the senior lounge because of the singing and dancing that occurs throughout the day. For certain students, studying in a calm setting can be more productive because there are no distractions. Academy has restricted areas where students will have no issues for quiet studying hours.   


Senior, Laura Henry says, “The library is the perfect place to get things done because it is quite and no one bothers. The benefits of studying at Academy’s library is that there no distractions, like boys.”


Many Academy girls do not like studying at school, because they rather be in an isolated area, whether it is a restaurant, park, or at home. When in your personal space, you have the choice of listening to relaxing music, adjusting temperatures to prevent discomfort, or even choice of scents from candles can affect your focus on school work.


Junior, Maddy Ruppel says,“I love going home to study in my room. It is a very comfortable setting, where I am isolated and very focused on my school work. The only disadvantage of studying at home is that I am very tempted to go on my phone, instead of finishing my school priorities first.”


Some students like to go to public places to get their work done after school. Although public places can be distracting, it can be also good to have others surrounding you at an environment of your personal choice.


Freshmen, Kara Peitt comments,“The Yacht Club is where I go to study after school hours because it is peaceful, making it easier to concentrate on my academics. I find it better to study alone without other students around, so that I am not tempted to chat with friends about non-academic subjects.”


Often students contemplate on what place would be best for their study habits, but the variation of places to study is unlimited. When it comes to finding a good place to study, Academy students definitely know the hot spots.

Freshmen take advantage of breaks during school to study in the hallways.
Photo Credits: Devin Folkman/Achona Online
Freshmen take advantage of breaks during school to study in the hallways.