What Went Wrong with Adele’s Grammy Performance?

Credit: Courtesy of TVOVO

Although Adele’s Grammy performance did not go as she had hoped, she still reclaimed the top spot on the weekly Billboard chart.

Adele, a major icon in the music world, performed at the 58th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, CA. Recognized for her far reaching vocals, Adele is hailed for her trained professionalism in stunning her crowds with praiseworthy performances. Her fans came to hear the same impeccable performance on Grammy night.

“I think Adele is one of the most talented singers ever. Every time she releases a new song, I fall in love with it”, stated junior Audrey Dunn.
Unfortunately, Adele’s live rendition of “All I Ask,” did not live up to the audience’s expectations. The performance was plagued by sound issues, which tarnished the effectiveness. The Recording Academy President explained that as the piano was being lifted onto the stage, a microphone in the piano dropped, which caused the audio glitches heard during the broadcast. Technicians tried to correct it by going to a backup system, but were not able to fix the problem completely.

“I thought Adele did really well even though there were technical difficulties during her performance. She just kept going along with it. She doesn’t let anything rock her”, stated sophomore Claire Obeck.

Adele, being the consummate and talented performer that she is, handled the situation with grace and kept her head up. Her solution to get over the mishap: a burger at In-N-Out.


“Adele is so genuine and honest,” states freshman Lauren Dingle, “She was able to share her feelings after the performance and laugh about it.” 

Several fans voiced their support for the British singer on Twitter.




Although Adele’s Grammy performance did not go exactly how she expected, she is credited by many for making the most out of the situation and not allowing it to define her.