10 Stages of AP Exam Preparation
1.Thinking the exam is too far away so you barely think about it

2. Hearing teachers say, “To prepare you for the AP Exam in May…”

3. Finally going to buy the AP prep book and not knowing where to start

4. Realizing the exam is in less than two weeks

5. Actually flipping through the AP prep book

6. Practice Tests in class and getting constructive criticism from your teacher

7. Collecting notes and making quizlets

8. Studying your behind off and trying to tell yourself you’ll be ok and you can do it

9. FINAL PANIC MODE: You’re running on caffeine and sleep deprivation

10. Extreme relief to know the one thing your teacher has been preaching about all school year is finally over

Walking down the halls off Academy, it’s hard to miss the bubbly laughter and “so bad they’re funny” puns made by the one and only Karlee Nipper....