How to build your wardrobe for college

Credit: Cristina Snyder (used with permission)
High-waisted shorts and laced up sandals are a very popular look in southern schools such as Florida State University where you can see Cristina Snyder (A’14) and Victoria Valdez (A’14) sporting the look.
When it comes time to go clothes shopping for college, it can be very hard to figure out what staple items are needed to build the perfect closet. It can also be difficult if the college you chose has a climate different from where you live. Living in Florida, the weather does not change much throughout the year so girls don’t tend to have many warm outfits if they plan on attending a northern school. Even if the school you choose has warm weather, finding new clothes to wear can be a stressful task.
Olivia Diaz (A’15) attends Florida State University and comments: “Class attire is very casual, so I usually wear either running shorts or leggings with a t-shirt.”
Colleen Doherty (A’15) goes to the University of Virginia and mentions “During the colder months, Ill wear long leggings with a North Face jacket and a pair of running shoes to class.”
Typically students aim for a more comfortable look for school and save the fashion for going out at night.
For any school, it is good to have at least one staple item for each article of clothing. In southern schools, a good pair of denim high-waisted jean shorts are a necessity and can be worn with almost any top. On a more relaxed night, flowy pants or shorts look great with laced up sandals. Rompers are also a cute and easy look and can be worn with wedges to make the outfit more formal. When it is time to go shopping for outfits, Forever 21 and PacSun have a great selection of clothes are are trendy and affordable.
In northern schools, riding boots put together with over-the-knee socks are perfect paired with jeans and a leather jacket. Another popular trend at the moment are over-the-knee boots. Pair those boots with a dress and a cardigan and that is a great “going out” look.
Starter Items You Need In Southern Schools
- High-waisted denim shorts and jean
- Romper/Dress
- Running shorts/leggings
- Laced up sandals and/or wedges
- Ray-bans
Starter Items You Need In Northern Schools
- Riding boots/ Over-the-knee boots
- Leather jacket
- Infinity scarf
- Boyfriend jeans
- Oversized sweater

Megan Bajo is a first year Achona Senior Staff Writer. She is in 12th grade and has been attending Academy since Pre-K. Megan tries to stay very involved...