S’well vs Yeti
With each new school year comes new school supplies. Arguably one of the most important supplies for Academy girls are water bottles. Hydration is a big deal at Academy, with water fountains on almost every corner. Two of the most popular bottles around campus are S’well water bottles and Yeti tumblers. Which poses the question: which bottle trumps the other?
Created in 2010, S’well bottles are still fairly new. These stylish water bottles became popular late last year and it seems that everyone has one. With a multitude of different patterns, colors and designs, it’s easy to see why people love them so much.
Senior Kali Bradley shares, “I like my bottle because I can write on it with an expo marker and just wipe it off!”.
S’well bottles are smaller, making them easy to carry around while still being durable. It is also advertised to keep drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for 24, something junior Evan Greek can confirm.
“It always keeps my drinks cold!” Greek smiles, “It works really well.”.

These bottles have been an Academy favorite for years. Roughly the same price as S’well bottles, $30-$40, Yetis are durable and big.
Junior Evan Greek affirms,“It’s always good to go because it lasts me the whole day.”
They are known for keeping drinks ice cold all day and with their large size, people do not have to constantly refill it. I

Both Yetis and S’well bottles are ideal for Academy girls. S’well bottles keep drinks cold and are so stylish, want to bring it with everywhere. However, its small size might lead to constant refills all day. On the other hand, Yetis are large and will easily keep quenched all day with ice cold water. It’s one flaw is the spillage issue, which makes taking it with everywhere difficult.
“I love taking my Yeti with me everywhere but sometimes it spills which can be annoying.” Audrey Anello, senior, admits.
Both bottles are around the same price. So if looking to get a new bottle of own, check out S’well’s and Yeti’s websites for their brand-new designs for the school season!

Jessica Zakhary is an AHN Senior and this is her first year on the Achona staff. In school, Zakhary is on Ambassadors and is co-president of the Service...