Starbucks’ Limited Edition Valentine Drinks
Starbucks around the country have made three new drinks available starting February 8 through February 14. The three drinks are Valentines Day themed and are as follows: Molten Hot Chocolate, Molten Chocolate Frappuccino Blended Beverage, and Molten Chocolate Latte. Both the Frappuccino and the Latte are a mix of mocha and expresso. The Latte is available hot or cold while the Hot Chocolate is only available hot and the Frappuccino is only available cold. All three of the drinks are made with chocolate chips and some form of mocha flavoring. Three girls, Lindsay Ayers (9), Abby Morris (11), and Gabbie Ragano (11), went in to Starbucks and tried all the drinks. Below are the girl’s thoughts.
Molten Hot Chocolate
What does this drink taste like?
Ayers: “To me, this drink tastes like a chocolatey volcano.”
Morris: “The Hot Chocolate tastes very watery.”
Ragano: “It tastes like straight Nesquick Hot Chocolate and too much water.”
What do you like about this drink?
Ayers: “I like how creamy it is at the beginning. It reminds me of marshmallows.”
Morris: “I like the fact that it is hot.”
Ragano: “The drink is super chocolatey and I like that.”
What do you dislike about this drink?
Ayers: “I don’t really like how it tastes like burnt chocolate. It also has a bad aftertaste.”
Morris: “The drink is not sweet enough. It needs marshmallows and heavy cream….and more sugar.”
Ragano: “I think this drink is way too sweet.”

Abby Morris smiles with her Molten Hot Chocolate even though she believes it lacks a few ingredients, like more sugar.
Molten Chocolate Frappucino Blended Beverage
What does this drink taste like?
Ayers: “Like awesomeness. It’s so good.”
Morris: “This one tastes like a chocolate milkshake.”
Ragano: “It tastes like lots and lots of chocolate.”
What do you like about this drink?
Ayers: “I like that it isn’t gross and heavy like the other drinks.”
Morris: “The creaminess is my favorite part.”
Ragano: “I don’t like anything about it…well actually, I like that it is a frappuccino because they are pretty cool.”
What do you dislike about this drink?
Ayers: “The chunks of chocolate in it make it have a weird texture.”
Morris: “It seems like there are sprinkles in it but there are no actual sprinkles which is weird. It needs a better consistency.”
Ragano: “I don’t like that it tastes like cold burnt chocolate.”
Molten Chocolate Latte
What does this drink taste like?
Ayers: “Dark chocolate coffee.”
Morris: “Dark chocolate coffee.”
Ragano: “It tastes like deliciousness.”
What do you like about this drink?
Ayers: “I don’t really like this one at all.”
Morris: “The fact that it is hot is the only thing I like. Other than that, I don’t like this drink.”
Ragano: “I like everything about this drink. There is just the right amount of coffee so it is not overwhelming.”
What do you dislike about this drink?
Ayers: “Pretty much everything. It just tastes like a burnt piece of chocolate with a bad aftertaste.”
Morris: “I don’t like the coffee part. I don’t like coffee.”
Ragano: “Nothing. This drink is perfection.”
The girls all agree that the drinks offered year round are better than the special Valentine’s Day drinks. You can head to Starbucks before Valentine’s Day to form your own opinion on these special drinks!

Senior Rachel Mckenna is a Social Media Editor for this, her second, year on the ACHONA newspaper. Outside of class, Mckenna is a member of a volunteer...