Academy’s sharing and caring during Lent
Junior Natalie Smith receives her ashes at Ash Wednesday mass, making the start of her lenten promise, giving up soda.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lent and for forty days, Catholics fast and give up something that means a lot to them, and gives their time to helping others. When people think of Lent, people think about giving up food or television but it is really about is giving something up so others who are not as fortunate can benefit. It’s like giving up something small and making a difference for someone you do or don’t know. Doing more for friends and family is a great way to begin.
Ash Wednesday mass opened with President Art Raimo, who talked about Academy’s mission trips and the giving aspect of Lent.
“We begin our own Lenten journey today. We begin the journey as a community, a community of believers, a community of faith.” Mr. Raimo encouraged everyone to be proactive this Lent for, “yourself and others”. He also explained about how next week, high school girls are going to different locations in our country, Florida, even the Dominican Republic, on mission trips. The girls are going to Mississippi, Apalacia, Ruskin, Heart of Tampa, North Carolina, and the Dominican Republic.They go to give their time to help others.
A signature of Ash Wednesday mass is the ashes that are used to make a cross on your forehead. Even though they don’t last as long as many try to make them, their meaning still stays the same. It is a sign that we are sorry.
Father Bruce Craig noted, “The ashes are a sign of our willingness to repent.” He spoke about how everyone has sin, and that even the Pope asks for forgiveness. Father Bruce made the point that the more you sin, “the more it begins to become easier to make other sins, other actions, that break down our relationship, which separates us from God, from our family.” He also added in that it wasn’t easy, but that’s why it is a sacrifice. Giving up something that is important to you for forty days is hard, but,without even noticing it you’re making a difference.

Jeanine Ramirez is an Academy senior, fourth-year journalist and the News Editor for the Achona. Following her interests in the social sciences, Jeanine...