10 Things We’ll Miss Most About Mrs. Henry
Credit: Lily Oliva/ Achona Online
Thank you Mrs. Henry for all the unforgettable relationships and moments! Academy will not be the same without you!
1. No one quotes Harry Potter quite like you do — thank you for blessing us with Dumbledore’s enlightening words in your emails 🙂
2. The silent agreement as to why seniors are late every morning
3. Giving parents the “business”
4. “Once she was more concerned about me driving home when I was sick than my mom was” – senior, Sajani Mantri
5. “One time I sent her a picture of me at USC ’cause I forgot to get evidence that I was there on paper and she replied back that I looked super cute. It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me” – senior, Alejandra Lozano
6. Your impeccable walkie-talkie skills
7. “Getting her emails on a regular basis” – senior, Kelsea Henry
8. “Car rides with her on the Scranton mission trip” – senior, Jade Meurer
9. “My mom stressing about Mrs. Henry calling her when I don’t go to school” – senior, Olivia Kirkpatrick
10. Your unconditional love for all Academy girls

“Maddie Bales and I loved spending time with her in Scranton,” laughs senior Alma Torres
Mrs. Kathy Henry, wallflower you are not. You’re unforgettable! Thank you for your continuous dedication and love for the Academy. Hard work, dedication and positive attitude. These are only few of the many precious things you have shared with us every day. May all the years ahead bring you joy and relaxation. We will truly miss you and congratulations on your retirement!

Lily Oliva is an Academy senior, second year journalist and Editor in Chief for the Achona. This school year is most definitely going to put Lily's desire and...