Steve Carell in an interview withE squire magazine said he didn’t think “The Office” would be as successful as it was if it was aired in 2019. “There’s a very high awareness of offensive things today — which is good, for sure. But at the same time, when you take a character like that too literally, it doesn’t really work,” said Carell. (Photo Credit: Mei Lamison/Achona Online)
Steve Carell in an interview withE squire magazine said he didn’t think “The Office” would be as successful as it was if it was aired in 2019. “There’s a very high awareness of offensive things today — which is good, for sure. But at the same time, when you take a character like that too literally, it doesn’t really work,” said Carell.

Photo Credit: Mei Lamison/Achona Online

Cancel Culture: Has our Society Become too Sensitive? (PODCAST)

December 9, 2019

Cancel Culture: social media’s infamous way of “canceling” a public figure after a controversial statement or action. Victims of the trend range from James Charles, Billie Elish, Kevin Hart, and even Justin Trudeau. What does this new form of judgment say about our current population? Has our society become too sensitive? In the following Achona: Beyond the Articles podcast, Editor-in-Chief Mei Lamison and Multimedia Editor Adriana James-Rodil break down the meaning and effects of Cancel Culture.

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