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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


  • Prom April 20
  • Senior Mother-Daughter Luncheon April 12
  • Earth Day April 22
  • MLK Day - No School January 15
School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


Mei Lamison

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief

Editor-in-chief Mei Lamison is embarking her senior year as a third-year journalist for Achona Online. She is also a co-captain of AHN’s Speech and Debate team, been a member of Teen Leadership Council (TLC) since freshman year, and frequently works with an organization called Bess the Book Bus in which she is a member of their teen advisory board. Lamison’s favorite subject is English, specifically AP Literature (a class she is taking this year). Along with her love for English, she is passionate about using her voice to stand up for what is right when unjust situations occur in society. Attending Girls State and Girls Nation over the summer allowed her to learn more about American politics and draft bills which would benefit people in Florida, for example, a bill about gun control. This sheds light on her aspirations to study political science in college, preferably in Boston, New York, or Chicago, and become a politician or journalist. Her free time, however, consists of reading, playing the guitar, spending time with her dog, and watching Netflix. Lamison is a tea connoisseur as she cannot go a day without drinking at least two cups of it. She enjoys a variety such as jasmine, black tea, and hibiscus. Free time aside, Lamison looks forward to the coming year as Editor-in-chief, an accomplishment she has been anticipating since her sophomore year. She has more responsibilities and capabilities such as editing her peers’ articles and writing editorials. Yet, while she listens to her favorite self-made Spotify playlist, she eagerly awaits graduation with college looming in the distance. 

All content by Mei Lamison
Thank you, Achona, for being the highlight of my high school career. I will miss you dearly.

An Open Letter to Achona

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Cheif
May 22, 2020
Regarding the Roe v. Wade amicus brief, Anna Reins ('22) said, "I knew that abortion was very politicized, but i think that encouraging the supreme court to overturn a recent ruling is very foolish."

What You Missed Over Christmas Break

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
January 8, 2020
Grande last performed in Tampa four years prior. “I’m so grateful to be with you guys, finally,” she said to her fans midway through the show.

Ariana Grande Performs at Amalie Arena

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
November 26, 2019
“I think it’s horrible that a company that is supposed to be religious, is using its money to instigate violence instead of say promoting peace,” says Isabela Mocsari (‘20).

The Truth Behind Chick-fil-A

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Cheif
November 12, 2019
"Not only did it help me learn more about different cultures, but the culture fair allowed me to learn more about my peers. It created a safe environment for students to share elements of themselves that they may not have otherwise," says Sam Cuttle ('20).

POWER Holds Annual Culture Fair (VIDEO)

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2019
“It’s really important to be able to recognize that sometimes you don't feel okay. It is okay to not feel okay. To be positive all the time is not realistic,” says english teacher Alison Jussaume.

Can Positivity Be Toxic? (EDITORIAL)

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2019
“The lack of female representation causes women to feel as though the government is only a man's place. Not only does this affect older women, but young girls as well. They have no voice because they have no political female role models to look up too,” says Sahar Bueno-Abdala (‘21).

We Need More Women in Politics (EDITORIAL)

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
September 13, 2019
Members of student council were able to meet the class of 2023 at their freshman orientation. Junior class representative Julianna Bland ('21) helped organize the event. "They seem eager and ready to get into everything our school has to offer,” says Bland.

Class of 2023 First Impressions

Mei Lamison, Editor-in-Chief
August 19, 2019
The graduating class of 2019 is composed 102 students.

Class of 2019 Graduates

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
May 23, 2019
"The mass was amazing and went very well," says Religion teacher Brian Butterly.

Seniors Attend Baccalaureate Mass

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
May 20, 2019
“Now I know that if I find a frog with three legs I have made a scientific discovery that demands mass media and scientists in both lab coats and trousers,” says Alexa Fredericks (’20).

Best AP Exam Memes

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
May 20, 2019
In an interview with the New York Times, professor Madelyn Gould of Columbia University said, “suicide contagion is real, which is why I’m concerned about it.”

Is Suicide Contagious?

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
April 30, 2019
 According to the New York Times, “More than a million people have signed a petition calling for Mr. Anning’s resignation.”

How Can Teens Impact Government?

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
March 21, 2019
“I help young people find real happiness and explore authentic relationships by reclaiming their worth,” says Darrow.

Leah Darrow Speaks at AHN

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
March 1, 2019
1.5 million people across America are victims of trafficking.

Human Trafficking During Super Bowl (OPINION)

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
February 11, 2019
25% of the government is  currently shut down.

Government Shutdown Continues

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
January 11, 2019
“Usually I am informed about current events through social media, mostly snapchat and instagram. Sometimes I see things pop up on the internet throughout the day,” says Dayzha Cartwright (‘19).

How Do Students Receive News?

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
December 3, 2018
Finn is currently involved in Ambassadors and Key Club, as well as her three clubs: Crochet for Charity, Music Matters, and Live Poets Society.

Peyton Finn Shares Passion for Poetry

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
October 3, 2018
The crew team currently consists of 36 Academy girls.

Crew Team Captains Share Expectations and Goals

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
September 19, 2018
The state of Florida holds closed primary elections, meaning the selection of each party's candidates is limited to registered members of that party.

Florida Conducts Primaries for Governor

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
September 13, 2018
The class of 2022 is composed of 106 girls.

Class of 2022 Shares First Impressions

Mei Lamison, Junior Staff Writer
August 22, 2018
115 girls made up the graduating class of 2018.

The Class of 2018 Graduates

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 31, 2018
Many students argue how to pronounce GIF. Some believe it is pronounced "jif." However others think the "G" should be said instead of the "J."

Digital Imaging Class Creates GIFs

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 11, 2018
“The most common thing that people ask me is if I use markers, which I don’t. I use color pencils and pens with all of my drawings,” says Bailey.

Lily Bailey Describes Her Artwork

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
April 23, 2018
The first ever camera described in the history was a pinhole camera, which dates back to 4th or 5th century.

Ten Tips to Take Better Pictures

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
March 23, 2018
The museum was established in 1927, and was founded to promote art education.

Art Students Travel to the Ringling Museum

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
March 8, 2018
“I think recycling is very important considering the environmental issues the world faces today. Our school is really great at conserving people because we are technology based,” says Caroline Lamoureux (‘20).

Recycling Bins are Back

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 26, 2018
“I liked reading the book because it was fascinating to me. It showed a unique perspective on life and societies viewpoints at that time,” says Montero.

Sophomores Participate in Mock Trials

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 22, 2018
The 2018 talent show will be the first ever Academy Awards held in the Scarpo Family Theater. Photo Credit: Mei Lamison/Achona Online

2018 Academy Awards

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 9, 2018
“I want girl rising to be part of the school ideal,” says Palumbo.

Girl Rising Art Show

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
January 30, 2018
“Watching the other competitors who broke helped us with our own performance. Their actions, moves, and sound effects inspired us to improve,” says Salgado.

Speech and Debate Team Competes at Sunvite

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
January 26, 2018
From Jan. 12, 2018, there are 146 days left in the second semester.

Upcoming Academy Events in 2018

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
January 18, 2018
“If we have a program for recycling at school, it may motivate students to recycle at home. This would create an important example for generations to come,” said Jones.

Should AHN Bring Back a Recycling Program?

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
December 8, 2017
Academy students have been participating in HOBY for the last twenty years.

Sophomores Apply for HOBY

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
November 7, 2017
A group of seven girls along with coach Jamie Meyer traveled to Louisville, Kentucky to compete in a national tournament.

Speech and Debate Team Starts the Year

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
October 30, 2017
The sophomore class consists of 127 girls, the biggest class currently at Academy.

Class of 2020 Bonds at Sophomore Retreat

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
October 23, 2017
Reagan Finch said, “Before I found out it was canceled I was planning on running for Mole Queen, but now I can’t do that.”

Mole Day Project is Cancelled

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
October 18, 2017
Task Parties will be held the first Thursday or Friday of every month.

AHN Hosts First Ever Task Party

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
October 6, 2017
“Like I have told you before, art has become a part of me. Art defines the person I am,” says Chau.

Sophomore Katelyn Chau Starts Non-Profit

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 28, 2017
Mayor's Youth Corps was established in the November of 2003.

Mayor’s Youth Corps Sparks Interest at AHN

Mei Lamison, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 22, 2017
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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa
Mei Lamison