“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,'” Jeremiah 29:11. ((Photo Credit: Chloe Mintz/ Achona Online))
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,'” Jeremiah 29:11.

(Photo Credit: Chloe Mintz/ Achona Online)

Class of 2022 Attends the Sophomore Retreat

December 10, 2019

Following their CPR training and college counseling of the day prior, members of the tenth grade attended Mary Help of Christians this past Friday, Dec 6, for their annual sophomore retreat.

“I’m really excited for the sophomores to experience this retreat. It’s going to be an awesome time for them, especially in this month of December, which can get really hectic with the holidays and exams. It will be a great opportunity for the sophomore class to take a break and spend some time with each other, get to know each other better, and reflect upon their relationship with God. And hopefully, discover that they were created for a specific purpose,” said Katie Holland, the Academy’s campus ministry coordinator (and orchestrator of class retreats).

Upon arriving at the center, students participated in several ice-breakers to familiarize themselves with both their soon-to-be retreat leaders and the day’s encompassing theme: identifying one’s purpose. Later that morning, students had been divided into nine groups, each led by individual senior leaders selected by Holland.

“I liked it [the sophomore retreat] because we got to bond as a class, and I liked the fact that the seniors were leading us in our activities,” said Maeve Miller (’22).

By partaking in each exercise, students strengthened their previously conceived relationships with both God and their fellow classmates in a more in-depth and personal manner.

Having completed their discussions within the small and large circles, students were led to the neighboring church to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist and reconciliation, if so desired.

To conclude their trip, members of the senior class offered advice to the underclassmen and provided insight in regards to one’s journey as they completed their sophomore year and high school at that.


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