At a place like Academy, budding talent is everywhere you look. During the National Day of Writing, that talent was hanging on the walls on the second floor. The writing wall, created by Mrs. Loesekann, presents a place where students can share their writings for every student, faculty member, and visitor to see. The Academy girls took the National Day of Writing and turned it into a week of academic and literary creativity.
The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) created National Day of Writing only two years ago. The NCTE recognizes writing as one of the most important forms of creativity and communication in our lives. In the 21st century, people are writing more than ever before whether it is through poems, books, email, and even text messages. The goal of National Day of Writing is to provide a day for writers of any kind, to share their work.
In this spirit, the English Department created innovative ways for the student body to share their creative talents through their writings in a judgment free environment. Celebrating The National Day of Writing consisted of writing six word memoirs, experimenting with different types of poem forms such as limerick, and diamante, writing creative comparative essays and favorite Halloween memories, and expressing thoughts by using thematic journal prompts.
Enthusiastic orientations, art, music, community service, athletics, food and fun are all the things that Academy girls excel at, but perhaps most importantly, Academy girls are known for their intellect and creativity. Being able to imagine metaphors and placement of words, is ability that many people do not posses. The Academy girls not only master this quality but they have made it flourish in the annual celebration of the National Day of Writing. The English Department hopes to continue The National Day of Writing as an annual event and once again share the works of the creative thinkers and writers of the AHN community.