With hot nights and days, the romantic style trend might be just the best way for you to look cool and collected. For the last year, lace has been one of the key points of fashion on runways today. Major names in the fashion world have added lace to their designs including shorts, skirts, shirts, and many dresses. Celebrities including Taylor Swift and Jennifer Morrison are great role models for this evolving trend.
To achieve a romantic style, follow these three tips:
- Lean towards the light colors, long dresses, loose tops, high-waist jeans, trouser pants, wedge heels, high-rise boots, and lace.
- Stay away from tight jeans and shirts, sequins, shoes with skinny heels, and dark colors.
- Shop at stores such as Keys Country, J. Crew, The Loft, Forver 21, and Anthroplology.
If you are not a Romantic style, you may want to try out the look for just one special date. Who knows? You might find out you are indeed a Romantic, Valentine’s Day or not!