‘Promedy’? It’s all about the name!

The latest word on campus for AHN drama students is “Promedy.” So outsiders ask – what is that? Clue: separate the words into PROM and EDY, and then you get it – a comedy about Prom! Why not?
Promedy is a hilarious play that combines the drama and romance that surrounds the biggest dance of the year. Opening night is Friday, February 26, followed by a matinee and evening performance on Saturday, February 28. The Saturday matinee replaces the traditional Sunday matinee and allows the cast to have Sunday off to be with their families.
The play begins with a conflict of prom committee members at the fictional Lowzund High over which idea will make the best prom theme. To settle the matter, student leaders agree to combine all the proposed themes into one mega medieval-futuristic-under-the-sea dance. Of course, what would prom be without a touch of added drama?
When rejected by the snotty head cheerleader, the self-proclaimed “drama geek” Dante Allegro devises a plot that will cancel prom. Beatrix Holiday, the president of the student body, is left to create a strategy that will rescue prom for the students of Lowzund. Mixed-up romantic encounters abound in this hilarious comedy about the event that every high schooler considers an important rite of passage.
Ms. Melissa Cox, Academy’s resident guru on all things theatre, has been excited about this play from the start. “This is a great show to demonstrate how important the entire cast is to the production. In my mind, there is no one specific lead actor or actress. It’s very much an ensemble show, and a hilarious and talented one at that. I’m very lucky to have each and every one of our cast.”
Promedy is sure to be a hit at Academy! Be sure to come out on Friday, February 22nd and Saturday, February 23, to support the actors and actresses of The Bayshore Thespians. If you would like to help out with the play, please see Ms. Cox for details.
Beatrix…………………………………………………………MEGHAN WALLACE
Dante…………………………………………………………..SHERINE HAMADE
Chester………………………………………………………..RYAN LOWMAN
Kay……………………………………………………………..ARLYN BARLAAN
Professor Mustashay……………………………………….GABRIELA HENDERSON
Lee……………………………………………………………..MEGAN GLOGOWSKI
Tanner…………………………………………………………CHRISTIAN PENA
Dr. Funky and the Surgeons……………………………….LEXI NIETO/MERLINE LAMOUR
Professor Parachute and the Rubik’s Cube……….ALEJANDRA LOZANO/GRACIE HANCOCK
Stephanie…………………………………………………….ASHLYN BRADSHAW
Doris…………………………………………………………..HILDA DELGADO
Kevin………………………………………………………….GABY MENDEZ
Kyle…………………………………………………………….MICA WILEY

Caroline de Quesada has been a member of Achona since her freshman year. She is president of the Jesuit Masque, Tri-M Music Honors Society, and...
Victoria Metzger • Jan 23, 2013 at 3:52 pm
Excited for this play!
Michelle • Jan 23, 2013 at 3:50 pm
I am looking forward to seeing this comedy about prom! 🙂
Michelle • Jan 23, 2013 at 3:49 pm
I am looking forward to this comedy about prom! 🙂