Christmas Formal: “The Night of Nights”
Student council member Rachel Astorquiza adorns Holly Court Queen, Siobhan Plummer.
Ready to celebrate the end of finals and the beginning of the Christmas holidays, Academy students and their dates came out on December 20 to the Platinum and Ice themed Christmas Formal. Rachel Astroquiza, head of this year’s formal committee pulled off this dance flawlessly.
The Grand Hyatt created the perfect setting for the theme and Student Council did an amazing job with the decorations and music, featuring popular songs that everyone could enjoy.
The highlight of the evening was the announcement of senior Siobhan Plummer as Queen of the Holly Court and her princesses: seniors Casey Plucchino and Elise Heiman, juniors Lauren Calka and Molly Rausch, sophomores Madison Matesich and Julia Lester, and freshmen Alana McCarry and Lindsey Calka .
To the seniors, it was the last of many good memories, while to the freshmen, it was the first of many memories to come.

This is Lauren Ayers's first year as a part of Achona. Lauren is a member of the swim team and president of Spanish club. On the weekends she enjoys eating...