Pre-Prom Concerns

Wait! Prom is this weekend?

I swear this dress looked better last week

Maybe the lighting in the store was better

Good thing I ordered a back-up dress, always prepared

Oh no, but it looked so good online on that model

I could rent from Rent the Runway

I have to pay $100 dollars to rent it!

You’re telling I have to pay $100 dollars for a dress I will never own?

I’ll never be able to pull it out of the depths of my closet and twirl around in it, or simply caress it?

This seems crazy!

I guess my first dress is “ok”

I better order that boutonnière

I was supposed to go on a cleanse or eat some kale or something. Too late now I suppose

I need some kind of high tech bra for this dress

Apparently they don’t make the right high tech bra

Chicken cutlets it is

Brow game is not strong

Waxing or threading? Either way tears will be shed

I heard Emma Watson gets her brows threaded weekly

Who doesn’t want to be Emma Watson?

Threading it is!

Why is this lady in front of me not crying! Is she a superhuman? An alien? How can she withstand the pain?!?

Oh no, I’m up

It’s been awhile, she’s definitely judging me. Look at her brows they’re flawless. Meanwhile, I’m Frida Kahlo over here

She’s starting! This was an awful idea! This is preparation for the pain that will be bearing children!

This may be more painful than bearing children

Prom is tonight?

I should’ve skipped the pasta last night

No new pimples yet, but I just know it’s going to happen

I’m really going to order that boutonnière now, I swear

I was going to stop biting my nails in preparation. Now they’re nubs, and I can tell the nail lady is judging me

Should I get a pedicure? My dress is long.

Wait, my dress is long. I don’t have to shave my legs!

You’re right, I should shave my legs

Shaving is a pain. I’m becoming French after this

I’m glad I didn’t make a hair appointment. It’s always kind of risky

Not making a hair appointment was the worst decision I’ve ever made

Pinterest tutorials and optimism will be my inevitable downfall

*leaving makeup appointment* They did a great job on my makeup

*in the car* The lipstick might be a little much

*home* What is wrong with my face!

I guess I look “ok”

Someone will surely look worse than me, right?

I am a horrible person

I told him to wear a tux didn’t I?

Who’s my date again?

If he shows up in some tacky colored vest/bow tie combo I will end him

No, I’m not that crazy

No, I’m definitely that crazy

These tiny clutches fit nothing, what is their purpose? Outrage! I can barely fit a lipstick

Man I hate these chicken cutlets

Despite the adhesive element of the chicken cutlets, my boobs are not feeling that secure

They’re not feeling secure at all

Please Lord, if you care about me at all, don’t let me flash Sister Mary Glavin tonight