Tips to Relieve your Stress


Do you seem stressed a lot lately? Is it because you have tons of school work, a job or responsibilities at home well here are some tips to relieve your stress level?

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress, especially for teens. Yoga poses are a great way to loosen up your body and relax. Going to a yoga class with friends is the best way to relieve your stress talking and meditating together only focusing on your self and not anything else at the moment is great. “I would love to start going to yoga classes I heard they’re an awesome way to relax your mind and body” – Junior Adri Torres

If you’re overwhelmed with lots of work or are in a stressful situation the best thing to do is put in earplugs in and listen to music probably your favorite song to get you energized and feel ready to take on any situation you have to deal with. Listening to music and make your blood pressure go down and any hormones that are linked to your stress. “I love listening to music when i’m stressed im such a music person so the moment I feel any stress I listen to my favorite songs” – Junior Maria Zeno

Exercising is another great tip in relieving your stress level. A simple walk or jog during the day taking a break from your workload or anything you want to get your mind off this is the way. Getting your body moving and blood flowing keeps your healthy, happy and ready for the day. “I exercise right before school almost everyday and if I don’t I will after school I love to workout it’s such a great way to relieve my stress and be really healthy” – Junior Hadley Chillura

Lack of sleep is very unhealthy and can really stress you out. Being tired and having lots of work to do is the worst thing for a person. Sleep is a necessity, the best way to sleep good is to turn off all electronics and lights so your body and brain and focus on your sleeping.

Stress levels and a proper diet are close together in categories when we are stressed or have much to do people tend to forget to eat or people will just grab and go which means unhealthy foods for you. Plan ahead try to avoid fast food restaurants and vending machines. I recommended a great sandwich, some fruit, and a little dessert.

These are the top stress relievers when you’re in a situation and you want to take a break and relax for a bit I know I get stressed a lot and I’m going to start doing one of these a day there very helpful in any situation.