Will You Be Able To Dominate This Practice ACT Grammar Quiz?

Preparation for the ACT has officially begun! Credit: Achona Staff Member Chloe Paman
ACT testing is coming up and that means studying, studying, studying, for months on end to refresh your memory of the math/english skills needed to do well on the exam. Taking this test might be pretty scary for some people or a piece of cake for others. Those who are worried of the test may have already bought all the ACT practice testing books on Amazon to help calm their nerves.
In the English portion of the test there is Grammar editing where the ACT test takers will read a story and certain phrases will be underlined. Test takers will choose from four answer choices deciding what to change about the underlined phrase of the story. Now, the real question that you have to answer is, how well is your grammar? Take this quiz to help gauge how much more studying you need to do for the English portion of the test!

Chloe Paman is Achona’s multimedia editor and a senior at Academy. This is her second year on the Achona staff. Chloe loves taking pictures and making...