Feelings the ACHONA Staff Has When Looking for Story Ideas


#ACHONAProbs Credit: Vanessa Alvarez (Achona Online)

After every published story comes the day where Achona staff members have to come up with new story ideas. At times, the world is exploding with breaking news and exciting events, however, at other times, the world is slow moving and uneventful.

Achona staff member, Anna Padron, shares, “Right after Christmas I have a really hard time coming up with ideas because there’s a slump of nothingness.”

Staff members are in a frenzy before they have to send ideas to their editors. Here are ten feelings the staff goes through when having to think of ideas:

1.  The moment begins when you have to think of ideas, and you feel like a lost puppy.

Credit: gifwave.com

2. The moment of panic when you realize story ideas are due in ten minutes.

Credit: giphy.com

3. You go straight to your editors to ask for ideas.

Credit: popkey.com

4. Quickly scrolling through Buzzfeed to see if even the simplest of stories will spark an idea.

Credit: gifsec.com

5. The rush of stress when the editors go outside to assign stories.

Credit: theodysseyonline.com

6. Screaming at everyone to see if someone has an extra idea.

Credit: notyournanswriting.wordpress.com

7. Freaking out because you see the editors assigning stories on Google Drive.

Credit: markreads.net

8. Maybe it comes to the point where you just have your editors choose a random story for you…

Credit: weheatit.com

9. Or maybe you come up with the perfect idea.

Credit: fallontonight.tumblr.com

10. No matter what, at the end of the day, whatever you’re assigned, you know it’ll end up being great.

Credit: giphy.com