Make exercise a healthy habit


Finding the time and motivation to get up and start exercising is difficult, especially with school starting up again. The perks of making exercise an addition to your daily routine are worth it, especially when you look stunning in your homecoming dress.  So grab your iPod, towel and water and get to work!


For those who have a busy schedule and do not have the time to go to the gym, try these fun and stimulating exercises that will not only make you look great, but feel amazing as well.


Extreme: These workouts are for girls who love drowning in sweat and not being able to move the following day. Good luck!


1-2-3 Ab Workout

         30 jumping jacks

         20 crunches

         10 vertical leg crunches

         20 oblique crunche

         20-second plank

         10 sit-ups

         20 bicycles

         30 scissors

         20 vertical leg crunches

         10 jack knife sit-ups

         20-second side plank (each side)

         30 Russian twists

         20 oblique crunches

         10 sit-ups

         20 scissors

         30-second plank


IMPORTANT: After completing a circuit of this hardcore workout, take time to stretch and reduce your heart rate back to normal. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.


Moderate:For this workout, find a comfortable spot on the floor or on the bed. This is the perfect exercise to do for a study break. It is quick and easy to follow. Remember to keep your muscles engaged at all times.


The Lazy Girl’s Workout

  1. Single Leg Raise         (20-30 reps)
  2. Inner Thigh Pulse      (15-20 rep on each leg)
  3. Reverse Crunches       (40-50 reps)
  4. Knee Push-Ups           (10-20 reps)



There are so many ways to stay active, even if it is small it’s better than nothing. Remember the amount of effort you put in to your exercises will determine your results. So go big or go home and never give up!