Sophomores take a short trip to the “Animole Kingdom” on Mole Day


Photo Credit: Jazzy Mendoza

Theology teacher Felix Kalinowski and Sophomore Jeanine Ramirez are crowned as the 2013 Mole King and Queen.

6.022 X 10^23 is a unit of measurement no Academy girl can ever forget. Not only is it used in chemistry to find the amount of atoms or molecules,  but it is also the basis of Mole Day. Scientists around the world come together to celebrate Mole Day on  October 23rd from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. Academy sophomores annually participate in the celebration by creating clever dioramas displaying moles in themes ranging from “Countries of the World” and “Rock and Mole”.

This year’s theme being,  “Animole Kingdom”, there were moles such as “Sea Anemole”, “Finding Nemole”, “Dinomole”, and “Unimole”.

Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Rebeca Zambrano, was excited to see how the projects would turn out and  is now beyond pleased. “Mole Day was ‘mole-iffic’! The enthusiasm from the sophomore class was apparent in all the Mole Day activities. The Mole Queen certainly showed the most Mole spirit.”

The class kicked off Mole Day by with a breakfast, followed by the coronation of the Mole King and Queen. The five candidates for Mole Queen were Remi Storch, Jeanine Ramirez, Audrey Cooper, Miranda Plummer and Natalie Cevallos. Once onstage, sophomore, Christina Thompson announced that Jeanine Ramirez was elected Mole Queen and Mr. Felix Kalinowski, the new theology teacher, her Mole King.

Jeanine was proud to accept the title and represent the famed unit of measurement.  “Receiving the crown was really awesome. All the girls stood up and cheered and yelled out my name. It is something that no one else besides [us] Academy girls get to experience, and to be Queen of such a day is really an honor.”

Runner up, Audrey Cooper, was crowned Mole Princess. All the fun came to a halt when the sophomores had to return to class, but the celebration was not over. The sophomore class finished the day with an after party in Mrs Z’s classroom featuring mole-themed food and beverages such as “Coca-Mola” and “Guacamole.”

The winners for the best Mole Day projects were:

Anya Muyres’ “How to Train Your Molegon”- Overall Best Mole
Alicia Avila’s “King Mole” – Best Dressed Mole
Jackie Joyce’s “Finding Nemole” – Most Recognizable Mole
Jeanine Ramirez’s “Sea Anemole” – Most Elaborate Scenery

Filled with the Mole Spirit, Anya Muyres shared, “It felt great to win [Overall Best Mole]. I love Moles and I’m really proud of my project. I put a lot of effort into my Mole and it paid off.”

Without 6.022 X 10^23,  the amount of atoms in an object could not be calculated, nor could Academy celebrate Mole Day. All credit goes to Amadeo Avogadro.

Fun Facts:
One mole of cents could repay the U.S. National Debt 86 million times!
A mole of basketballs would be the same size as our planet.
One mole of paper is equal to a stack that would reach to the moon and back 80 billion times!
One mole of blood cells would be more than the total number of blood cells found in every human on earth.
One mole of inches would be 1,616,434 light years, or across our galaxy and back 8 times.
One mole of watermelon seeds would be found inside a melon slightly larger than the moon.