10 Emotional Stages of Being a Chemistry Student

Sophomore Gretchen Swenson states, "Chemistry and me... it's a love/hate relationship.".

Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online

Sophomore Gretchen Swenson states, “Chemistry and me… it’s a love/hate relationship.”.

When Sophomore year comes to mind, the first thought that rushes through an Academy girl’s head is the idea of Chemistry. Though it is a requirement for every Sophomore to take the class, Academy teacher Mrs. Rebeca Zambrano goes the extra mile when it comes to teaching. A few years ago, Zambrano decided to ‘flip’ her classroom, which means her lessons (known as Chemcasts) are taught on YouTube and later applied in class. For Academy girls, Chemistry can be known as one of the hardest subjects of sophomore year, and that can come with many emotions!


1)When you first arrive to class and realize you forgot to watch the chemcast.

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 2) and then you have absolutely NO idea what is going on in class.
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3) When you don’t make it to the top three on Kahoot.
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 4) and you tragicly don’t get to win those extra RAZ Dollars.
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  5) But if you do happen to win the Kahoot,
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   6)  watch out, world.

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7) When you think you left dimensional analysis back in the quarter 1 days,

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 8) and it comes back to haunt you
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9) When it’s the end of the week and you are hanging by a thread
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 10) and Mrs. Z  resurrects you with one of her perfect inspirational quotes.