7 Stages Of The Research Paper

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Unfortunately, it’s that time of the year again. Research paper time. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, this is one of the most stressful times of the year. These are definitely stages that all academy girls have gone through while trying to push through their research paper.
- Getting Organized
You start off getting everything prepared, you have your book, your computer, and you’re so ready to not make the mistake of procrastinating.

- Procrastination
You get a few days behind on your reading, but it doesn’t bother you, you know you’re going to finish your book and continue things right on track…but maybe you should grab a snack.

- Denial
So you may not have finished your book, but that’s what Sparknotes is for… But your paper isn’t due for another two weeks… you’ll be fine.

- Realization
Your paper is due in a week. You have to get things done now. Maybe just one more netflix episode….

- Panic
This paper is due in three days, you are freaking out because you’ve barely started. Time to try to get things done

- Complete Regret
You have to face the facts that this paper is a real thing that needs to get done.

- Busy Bee
You start pulling things out of thin air and put it together in a some-what decent looking masterpiece!

- Submission
Its over…finally.

Grace Toups is a familiar face around Academy. Whether she encouraged us to have more school spirit, interviewed us for Achona, or as an Ambassador she...