Student body surprisingly approves of new block schedule

Students undergo four eighty-five minute classes and are dismissed at 2:45 every day. On Wednesdays, there are still eighty-five minute classes, but students arrive and leave forty-five minutes later. Although this seems like a common high school day to freshmen, it is definitely a change of pace for the Academy girls that were used to previous years’ seven-class schedule.

At the close of last year, the majority of the student body opposed the new block schedule. Many claimed that it would be a stressful experience, filled with tension and anxiety. Senior Gaby Mendez was one of the students against the change. “I thought I was going to hate it. I really did. I just thought the idea of sitting in class for 85 minutes would make me want to fall asleep.”

However, once the school year started, the attitude towards the new school day changed. Having a class every other day allows students to manage their homework in a way that causes less stress. Senior Theresa Lopez loves the new schedule. “I get more work done at school and I rarely have homework, other than to study. I think it’s working really well. People adapted well to it.”

Also with the new block schedule, the new “Study Hall” during set 7 allows students to catch up on any necessary work. Students are able to do homework or see a teacher for help with missed assignments. Faculty never has to worry about their classes getting cut short due to Mass or a school assembly, because those events will always fill the Study Hall set.

Block schedule has definitely given the student body more independence within the school and more time outside of Academy. It seems successful, progressive, and according to Lopez, easily adaptable.  Not many people dislike the change, and those that do might as well accept it. It doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.