Ballin’ on a Budget

I start to beg my friends and family for money and hope that they feel bad enough to spare me a few dollars
It is very easy to forget the value of a dollar and how money will not take you as far as it has in the past. You are easly reminded of these things once the money that you spend is taken away from you. My parents gave me a credit card for emergency use only. It was given to me to pay for things such as gas, running errands, and occasionally going out to eat.
In the beginning I followed my parents instructions and only used the card when necessary. Once I got my license and was able to drive anywhere, the errands became more frequent and the occasional meal turned into several times a week.
My parents would scold me but there was never any punishment, so the spending continued. Last month was the last straw after several shopping sprees at the mall and continuous online shopping led me to get my card taken away.

The biggest wake up call is having to adjust to a whole different lifestyle.
Every morning before school I would go get coffee, a snack for after, and then usually get dinner with friends.
Now having no money to get any of these things, I had to either find a way to get the cash to do so, or adjust to eating meals at home. Considering that I do not have a job or any source of income, I chose the second option.
Within the past month, it has been very difficult to find money to pay for things that I had no second thought of buying when I had my credit card. Every Sunday morning, my friends and I go get breakfast to catch up and discuss our weekend. Since I have about five dollars to my name at the moment, I have been eating breakfast at home and sitting at the restaurant watching my friends enjoy their scrambled eggs and pancakes.
My parents have been very strict with this punishment. I have had to find babysitting jobs in order to keep up with half of the things that were a part of my old routine. Once I run out of money, I have to get creative in order to pay for some luxuries.

My close friend Carolina mentions, “I feel like Megan’s slave bringing her breakfast but I do it anyways because I don’t want her to starve.”
It has taken me a while to realize this, but I am actually thankful to my parents for giving me this much needed wake up call. Money does not grow on trees and in a few years I am going to have to pay my own bills. I know that I am going to have to work very hard if I want to keep up up with the expensive taste I have. I now am very appreciative of how hard my parents work in order for me to have everything I do, and once I get my card back I will definitely not take it for granted.

Megan Bajo is a first year Achona Senior Staff Writer. She is in 12th grade and has been attending Academy since Pre-K. Megan tries to stay very involved...