AHN Swimming wins district championship

The district win is bittersweet for the Dawson sisters, Kristen and Cara. As Kristen is a senior, this will be their last season together.
Academy held swim team districts on its own pool deck on Saturday, October 28. The event started around ten o’clock and was over by one o’clock. The AHN swim team came out on top at districts, winning the meet with a score of 677 points. The girls that participated in the district meet will be moving on to regionals this Friday.
The event was extremely crowded because of the numerous teams that participated in districts. The energy was electric as the teammates cheered each other on and hung out on the deck. Academy swimmers dominated in every event. The 100-backstroke left our four Academy swimmers in the top four spots of the event.
Our swimmers have worked hard to achieve this win. They have been practicing hard all season and have been tapering for the district meet. They will continue to work hard as they continue to regionals and hopefully grab another win.
The seniors on the team feel sentimental as they participate in their last state series. Margret Shumake says the team has made a large impact on her high school experience. “It is a great group of girls and I will really miss the team atmosphere when it is over.”
To follow the path of the swim team leading up to the district win, check out the links to these other articles:

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