Auditions Wrap for Footloose the Musical

Photo Credit: Keri Kelly/ACHONA Online
Theatre Director Vivian Kimbler predicts that the most challenging aspect of the play will be to keep the actresses motivated this far out from the performance. But she emphasizes her confidant that Academy will pull off another fantastic spring play. “It’s not just something that they do, it’s something that they create.” she explains. “I’m most excited to watch the students grow.”
This year the theatre department, under the expert leadership of performing arts director Vivian Kimbler, is prepared to deliver another hit spring play: Footloose.

Auditions for the inspiring 80s flick wrapped today and all brave auditionees are held in suspense until the cast list is released on Kimbler’s door (E104) on September 6.
For those unfamiliar, Footloose is a story about a tiny town in Alabama called Bomont that suffered the loss of several bright high school seniors to a drinking and driving accident after a dance, with city councilman and reverend Shaw Moore’s son being one of the victims. This tragedy prompted the city council to pass legislation outlawing public dancing within the town’s limits. Enter spunky Chicago native Ren McCormack who moves in, shakes things up, and even gets the town moving and shaking.
Although a rendition of Footloose was released in 2011, Kimbler’s interpretation of the play will be largely based on the 1984 movie version starring Kevin Bacon, with one HUGE TWIST.
Kimbler reveals, “Because it’s a story of teen rebellion, I want to have the main character of Ren McCormack be portrayed by a girl.”
She has plenty in store for these characters and the new direction the play will take, but without revealing too much Kimbler says this of the thespians and the coming spring play: “It’s not just something that they do, it’s something that they create. I’m most excited to watch the students grow.”
With the success of Hairspray in 2015 and Bye Bye Birdie last year, more people turned out to audition for Footloose than any play in Academy’s recent history! The auditions took place on the stage in Brady Center North and were a three step process.
First, thespians had to sing a song of their choice, and come prepared with the karaoke version of their song on hand. Next they had to perform a monologue from the play that Kimbler provided ahead of time. Lastly, aspiring cast members were required to improvise a dance to the quintessential song “Footloose”.
Seasoned thespian Rachel Tata shares that she did feel more confidant going to the audition for her third year mostly due to the fact that she fell in love with her song choice: “I Didn’t Plan It” from Waitress the Musical. But in spite of all her experience, Tata still remarks that auditions are nerve wracking.
“It’s just the idea of auditions terrify me.” she admits.
Tata predicts that the play this year will be really fun. “I feel like [Footloose] is very lively, almost relatable because it’s more modern.”
She also marvels at the mass support already generated by auditions alone.
“It’s great to share this with everyone.”
This year, brave students from every grade came out to audition for the play, and even braver ones were willing to be filmed to give the entire student body a sneak peak at the talent to come. Here are sophomores Robin Zander and Hannah Skelly performing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Good Morning Baltimore”.

Keri Kelly is one of the four Editor in Chiefs of the ACHONA. This will be Kelly's second year on staff and she is excited to make ACHONA better than ever....