Nora Kelly, Junior Staff Writer
Eleanor Kelly is an Academy junior and first year journalist on the Achona Newspaper. Nora is committed to several clubs within the school, including Beta Club, Book Club, Latin Club, Theatre Club, as well as Leadership and Social Justice Club. When she’s not working with her clubs, Nora is behind the scenes in the Academy's Technical Theatre unit, making sure everything is perfect on stage. Nora isn't only passionate about her extracurriculars, she is also passionate about the World Literacy Organization where she works fundraisers to gain money to be able to purchase and send educational resources to young women around the world to give them the opportunity to learn to read. Not only does she want others to learn to read, Nora herself loves to read. She spends her free time at Barnes and Noble where she hangs out and shops for books. When she's not with her beloved books, Nora also spends her free time hanging out with her friends, shopping, and traveling. While shopping, Nora finds herself mostly inside Free People. Lastly Nora aspires to attend Indiana University where she plans to study marketing and can work towards her dream job of working in the publishing industry as a literary agent or an editor.