Maddie Glaum, Senior Staff Writer
Madeleine Glaum is a senior staff writer, in twelfth grade, a first-year journalist and an extremely creative student. Glaum is president of two robotics teams in school, FTC and SeaPerch (underwater robotics). Outside of school, Glaum draws for fun and even drew the ACHONA podcast covers. Glaum’s favorite subject is Latin because she finds it enjoyable to learn a new language. There are various ways to reach one solution and that process is greatly appreciated by Glaum. Glaum is very passionate and engaged in creative outlets such as art and robotics. Glaum feels that there are loose guidelines that make these processes jarring because there's infinite ways to reach one end goal. Glaum is excited for graduating this year and hopefully graduating in person. In her free time, she enjoys playing Nintendo, eating Tijuana Flats, listening to music, with a wide range of artists growing from The Cure to Gorillaz. A unique trait about Glaum is that she is her own hair stylist, giving herself her own haircuts and creating new looks every year. Glaum’s career aspirations are in inventive fields such as screenwriting, she’s always loved film since a child and grew up creating home videos until later in her life. Glaum has also thought of a more stable future in STEM related subjects.