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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


  • Winter Signing Day 2/12
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  • Career Day 1/28
  • High School Grandparents Day 1/27
School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


Emily Anderson

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer

Emily Anderson, is a senior and first year Achona staffer. Anderson loves to collect the Pura Vida bracelets from Costa Rica because she recently vacationed there with her family. Senior privileges and graduation are what Anderson is most excited about this year. Outside of school, Anderson enjoys spending her time either studying for science at her local Starbucks, or tanning and listening to music at the beach. When bored, Anderson loves to relax on the couch with a cup of tea and watch Criminal Minds on Netflix. Anderson is the oldest of four; She has a little brother and two little sisters. She likes being in a big family, because there is never a dull moment in a house full of kids. Her parents are from Chicago, Illinois and she loves to visit visit her family during holidays and vacations. Anderson has yet to decide what she wants to do when she graduates college. Her current aspirations are to excel in high school now and be accepted into a difficult college, preferably in Chicago. College is a scary thought for Anderson, because she is going to miss her friends and large family, but she feels confident that she will thrive away from home and she cannot wait to become a completely independent person.  

All content by Emily Anderson
The game Water Wars was invented in 2004 by the senior class of Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan. (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Seniors Compete in Water Wars

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
May 1, 2018
Unfortunately, 50% of marriages result in divorces. (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Lessons From Celebrity Breakups

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
April 23, 2018
Updates from spirit week can be found on Twitter @jagnation_1881.  (Photo credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Spirit Week Sparks Excitement

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
April 13, 2018
The odds of a perfect bracket are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (or 1 in 9.2 quintillion, for those who skipped the last 18 digits). Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

March Madness Sweet 16 Rundown

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
March 23, 2018
The first day of school is August 15, 2018. (Photo Credit: Achona Online/Emily Anderson)

New Classes Coming in August 2018

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
March 8, 2018
These simple steps serve to help the college roommate search get easier. (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Finding a College Roommate 101

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
February 26, 2018
The Florida girls state soccer championship is Feb. 21  through Feb. 23. (Photo Credit: Claire Obeck/Used with permission)

Varsity Soccer Competes at Regional Final

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
February 20, 2018
Donation bins for toys and shoes are located outside the iLab, as well as the prom dress bins.

Mission Trip February Fundraisers

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
February 13, 2018
The campus ministry team spends months organizing service day. (Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Community Service Day 2018

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
February 9, 2018
Spirit Week has been changed to April 16-21. (Photo credit: Emily Anderson/Achona online)

Golden Girls Changes For The Future

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
January 25, 2018
Best Buddies is represented in 212 elementary, middle, and high schools and on college campuses across Florida.

AHN Best Buddies Broadens Participation

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
December 12, 2017
AHN beat Robinson by one point in over time last year, moving on to districts against Plant. (Photo credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Lacrosse Conditioning Begins

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
November 30, 2017
Looking for things to do over break? Make the most of your vacation by doing these inexpensive, fun activities. (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Must Do’s Over Thanksgiving Break

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
November 13, 2017
The number of women enrolling in college is almost double that of men. (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online)

Seniors Receive College Acceptances

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
November 2, 2017
The two teams advancing to the 2017 World Series are the Houston Astros and  the LA Dodgers. Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/AchonaOnline

MLB Playoffs Lead to World Series

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
October 23, 2017
About 30 girls attended the event and did everything from running, blowing bubbles, and being cheerful with loud noise makers.

SpeakUp 5k Returns for the Second Year

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
October 19, 2017
Freshman and sophomores  painted the team posters for the athletes to break through for an entrance. Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/Achona Online

Golden Girls Pep Rally Sparks Tradition

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
October 6, 2017
The store's mission statement is "our vision is to put joy in kids' hearts and a smile on parents." (Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/ Achona Online)

Toys “R” Us Declares Bankruptcy

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
September 28, 2017
Mrs. Lanfranconi teaches Spanish 2 classes and has been here for 7 years. Photo Credit: Emily Anderson/AchonaOnline

Darlene Lanfranconi Visits Cuba

Emily Anderson, Senior Staff Writer
September 20, 2017
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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa
Emily Anderson