Winsome Storm, Managing Editor
Winsome Storm is an Academy senior, third-year staffer, and managing editor for Achona. She has a passion for cats, and about how they are “little balls of fur and joy”. With her passion comes hope for a miracle allergy shot- to combat her cat allergy. Winsome also enjoys gaming on her Nintendo Switch and other games like Pokemon, and keeps an active school life by participating in student council and Latin club. She even volunteered this summer at Patel Conservatory. Winsome is content to let life guide her to the right career path, whether it be working at NASA or being a journalist. Her favorite subject in school is science, and has been aiming to go to Yale- Winsome’s dream school since she was six years old. Such love for science goes hand in hand with her love for the character Tony Stark. Winsome’s taste for tunes is centered in J-pop and classic rock, starring singers and bands such as Elton John, Queen, and AC/DC. Winsome is most excited about the end-of-year senior tradition to decorate uniforms with the college they are going to, and the idea of being able to finally destroy her Academy uniform.