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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


Jeanine Ramirez

Jeanine Ramirez, News Editor

Jeanine Ramirez is an Academy senior, fourth-year journalist and the News Editor for the Achona. Following her interests in the social sciences, Jeanine dedicates most of her free time to reading and watching the news. Her favorite TV channel is Fox News and her favorite segment is “The Kelly File.” Her passion for reading is inspired by the ideas of how other people think through their words, which helped develop her interest in journalism. Other activities she participates in during her free time include volunteering and helping little kids learn about God at St. Lawrence Church. Jeanine is most excited about graduation, and aims to attend USF for political science. All though her heart is big, her height falls at 4’11. As well as reading and writing, Jeanine enjoys being with friends and hanging out with her dogs.

Favorite Song:

All content by Jeanine Ramirez
The star studded event, "Grease: Live," was in many ways a spitting image of the movie Grease.

“Grease: Live” is the word

Jeanine Ramirez, Senior News Editor
February 8, 2016
President Barack Obama takes time to join Jimmy Kimmel on his late night talk show.

Politicians in the limelight

Jeanine Ramirez, Senior News Editor
November 16, 2015
To think, in a few short months, a new crop of 9th graders will be bonding at the traditional tie-dye party.

Freshmen: Ready to move up

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 21, 2014

Heaven is for Real: Movie Review

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 5, 2014
Sochi's Winter Olympic Closing Ceremony closed the this years Olympics with unforgettable sights and sounds.

The Best and Worst of the Olympics

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
March 5, 2014
Colorado towns are swept over by a flood leaving their people with nothing left.

Help is on the way for the people of Colorado

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writter
September 27, 2013
Ms. Darlene Lanfranconi starts off her Set 3 French class with a quick exercise.

Say “Bonjour” to Darlene Lafranconi

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 3, 2013
La'Porsha Renae, Dalton Rapattoni, and MacKenzie Bourg preparing for the next show of American Idol.

The Final American Idol

Jeanine Ramirez, Senior News Editor
April 14, 2016
Posters advertising Bye-Bye Birdie are scattered all around the school inviting students to support their friends and have  good time!

Say Hello to Bye-Bye Birdie!

Jeanine Ramirez, Senior News Editor
April 14, 2016
Former law clerks of Justice Antonin Scalia line up as he is brought into the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Jeanine Ramirez, Senior Staff Writer
February 29, 2016
Anyone and everyone loves a great smelling.

[Photo] ACHONA’s Gift Ideas

Karlee Nipper, Feature’s Editor
December 9, 2015
The election is here! If you're of age, make sure your voice is heard: VOTE!

The Gubernatorial Race is Finally Here

Jeanine Ramirez, Junior Staff Writter
November 4, 2014
Junior Natalie Smith receives her ashes at Ash Wednesday mass, making the start of her lenten promise, giving up soda.

Academy’s sharing and caring during Lent

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
March 10, 2014
No longer the "new kids in town", sophomores Jackie Joyce, Carolina Oliva, and Zoe Bennett

Sophomore Spiritual Getaway

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
December 3, 2013
Sophomore Jeanine Ramirez teeing off at Emerald Greens on October 1, 2013.

Academy Golf team is swingin’ into districts

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writter
October 9, 2013
The essential question any time there's an adaptation: What's better? The book or the film?

The Mortal Instruments

Jeanine Ramirez, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 13, 2013
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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa
Jeanine Ramirez