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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


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  • High School Grandparents Day 1/27
School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


Rachel Mckenna

Rachel Mckenna, Social Media Editor

Senior Rachel Mckenna is a Social Media Editor for this, her second, year on the ACHONA newspaper. Outside of class, Mckenna is a member of a volunteer organization called Teens in Action which teaches high school students social and emotional learning skills through weekly service projects. Mckenna’s weekly service project is at a local women’s center called The Spring. Mckenna works behind the scenes on the Youth Action Committee to plan informational sessions. She explains, “I come up with lessons to teach at the Boys and Girls Club about healthy relationship skills.”

Mckenna’s favorite pass time is decorating the blank pages of adult coloring books with her Crayola markers. This hobby has become so central in Rachel’s life, that it is actually the topic of her charming college essay. This year, Mckenna has spearheaded the ACHONA’s new Instagram called “Humans of Academy”, modeled after the very popular journalism style coined by journalist Brandon Stanton in Humans of New York.

All content by Rachel McKenna
 After Honors Convocation, the seniors go to the front lawn and toss up their hats.

Teachers’ Advice to the Seniors as they Head to College

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
May 1, 2017
Photo Credit: Julia Prince/Achona Online
Senior prom is the last high school dance you will have with your friends.

Seniors Prepare For Grad Bash And Prom Occurring The Same Weekend

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
April 21, 2017
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
The day was filled many local bands with 2 nationally known bands.

Gasparilla Music Festival Returns to Curtis Hixon

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
March 21, 2017
Credit: Vanessa Alvarez/Achona Online
The Sister to Sister 
program will begin next year.

AHN’s TLC Plans to Begin Sister to Sister Program

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
March 7, 2017
Photo Credit: Ashley Lambert (used with permission)
Being confident leads to a happier life.

How to Be Confident as Told By Athletes, Artists, and Scholars

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
February 23, 2017
Credit: Zoie Ashmeade (used with permission)
The students at St. Peter Claver love to goof around and play with the tutors.

Academy Students Tutor St. Peter Claver Students

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
February 13, 2017
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
Grouplove is a very upbeat band to see in concert.

Grouplove Cancels Tour Dates

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
February 2, 2017
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
Outside the exhibit is a flower wall, perfect for taking photos in front of.

Frida Kahlo Exhibit Opens at the Dali Museum

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
January 25, 2017
Credit: Megan Dubee/ Bitmoji (used with permission)
Just like her Bitmoji, Dubee is ready for Mardi Gras!

Megan Dubee Prepares for Mardi Gras with a King Cake

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
January 19, 2017
Credit: Laura Henry (used with permission)
Uniforms that are clean at the start of the year can get dirty and ruined through art classes, normal wear and tear, or even stains from food.

Uniform Checks Being Implemented in Homeroom

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor and Senior Staff Writer
January 11, 2017
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
DIY crafts are inexpensive and a great way to be creative.

Holiday Gift DIYS

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
December 7, 2016

Thanksgiving in Florida doesn't get the full fall effect because the leaves don't change colors here.

What are YOU Thankful For?

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
November 14, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
What Academy girls believe about Academy before they come is often not true.

Academy Expectations vs. Reality

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
November 4, 2016
Credit: Devin Folkman/Achona Online
Folkman pretends her date, Brock Mondor, won Homecoming Queen by placing the crown on his head.

HOA: Devin Folkman Wins Homecoming Queen

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
October 18, 2016

There are multiple benefits of bees such as honey, pollination, and skin care products from their honey!

3 Ways to Save the Bees

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
October 7, 2016

The secret pals wrote each other notes with puns on them on their gifts.

Senior Secret Pals!

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
September 9, 2016
The Beach Tampa

The Beach Tampa

Rachel McKenna, Social Media Editor
August 19, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
Sister Ann Regan presented the majority of the awards at the ceremony.

Grades 9-11 Honors Convocation

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
May 31, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
Summer days are meant to be spent relaxing in the sun.

Things to do this Summer!

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
May 13, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
Coloring multiple pages at once might be more than focusing on one page for a week and getting bored of it.

8 Reasons to Color

Rachel Mckenna, Junior Staff Writer
May 3, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna/Achona Online
The Prom Committee made the invitations for Prom adorable!

Prom at the Lowry Park Zoo?

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
April 28, 2016

 The day of the Thursday matinee was the day 60th anniversary of the first showing of Bye Bye Birdie!

Bye Bye Birdie Recap

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
April 19, 2016
Credit: Abby Morris (Used with Permission)
Morris smiles with some of the students at the Manaleni Achievement Center.

Humans of Academy: Abby Morris

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
April 11, 2016
Credit: Rachel McKenna
Locals love to spend their mornings roaming many of the open air markets the Greater Tampa Area has to offer!

Pop-Up Markets

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
March 3, 2016
Credit: Karlee Nipper/Achona Online
"I wish I was capable of making these pancakes," shares Junior, Kendall Bulleit, as browses Shields' instagram.

Pancake Art Trend Sweeps the Nation

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
February 24, 2016

The day begins with the Invasion of the Pirates which involves a parade of boats trolling through the bay as the main ship see in the photo leads.

How to: Survive Gasparilla 2016

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
January 26, 2016
Rachel McKenna/Achona Online

Third Quarter Events

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
January 11, 2016

Car rides are a great time to watch the sun set!

How to: Occupy your Time on a Road Trip

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
December 3, 2015
Perfect for gal friends.

[Photo] ACHONA’s Gift Ideas

Karlee Nipper, Feature’s Editor
December 9, 2015

By the end of October, the Ice Palace at the mall was already set up!

Christmas in November?

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
November 17, 2015
There are many costumes for any personality!
Photo Credits: Pinterest

What Costume Should YOU Be? (QUIZ)

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
October 28, 2015
Photo Credits: 
Slosh reacts to being told there is life on Mars and potentially other forms of life in our universe.

Talkin’ Mars with Slosh

Rachel McKenna, Junior Staff Writer
October 8, 2015
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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa
Rachel McKenna